Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Love Affair...of the Coffee Sort

Coffee. The composi-tion of those 6 letters creates the center of my adulthood love affair. Dramatic? Perhaps. Inaccurate? No. Who would have ever thought you could take some hard, nasty inedible green beans, throw them in fire, smash them to pieces and then drink the liquid that comes from soaking those nearly burned little buggers in hot water? But, someone did it once, we are!

And so, I succumb, time and again, to its powers. The black liquid gold...bringing with it a little more energy, a little more motivation, and yes, a little more 'happy'. I think more than those things though, is a taste of the familiar, a taste of comfort, if there can be one.

Being the busy girl that I am, with kids, babysitting more kids, going to work, cleaning, cooking, laundry, and on and on...all the time, I have more to think about than coffee...right?? But, it's there, like a little subliminal message, with its little tiny coffee voice shouting, "Coffee! Coffee!"

If you're a coffee-er, you have your coffee 'spots' and your coffee drinks...ya know, THE drink. When we're not drinking it, we wish we were. These days for me it's the Iced Americano. Throw a little peanut butter syrup (oh, don't knock it till you've tried it!) and some cream in there, and it's divine!

But then there's the issue of money, so in efforts to be more FRUGAL, as my blog is so fondly named, my husband and I have finally given in to the home espresso brewing system! (I suppose the ultimate frugal move would be to stop drinking coffee altogether - *gasp* - but this is much more fun...) It's the Saeco Odea Giro Super Automatic Espresso Machine, designed by BMW DesignworksUSA. Oh, it's not as fancy (or expensive) as it sounds, and we even went with a refurbished model, but oh about fun!

And now, I have unlimited caffeine at my fingertips ...
oh, the love affair continues!


  1. I share your love for coffee...nothing about it seemed dramatic to me :) Here's to maybe one day sharing a cup together

  2. Lisa...if it didn't seem dramatic to you, then we must be kindred spirits! Maybe someday those thousands of miles will disappear and we can sit down with our cuppa joes and catch up :)
