Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Road Trip: The Last Couple Days

"Soaked, Chilly and Happy"

Rain, rain, rain, little bit of sun - a summary of the last two days! It is a good thing we all like each other, or we just might have been over it before it was over. Our road trip was the right amount of time to get away from it all, and then, want to come back. That was the nice thing about having no agenda. Nowhere to be, no deadline to come back to...just come back when we're done.

Yesterday, we departed lovely, rainy Homer and made our way to lovely, rainy Seward. We stopped in Soldotna just long enough to have lunch at Dairy Queen (yuck), iced creme d' menthe americano's to go at Kaladi's (yum) and then to Kenai to check out the new Walmart attraction (new and shiny). We found
Seward in the same state as we left Homer - wet. Nonetheless, we suited up in our raingear and headed to the coolest park we've ever seen (our discovery from two years ago) and then walked a mile or so into town for some dinner.

Today, we woke up to the sun shining through the motorhome windows and, while exhausted, ready to enjoy another day together, this time dry! We walked to Resurrect Art Coffee Shop for a yummy cuppa' joe and then to the Alaska Sealife Center, one of our favorites. (I'm sure you've noticed a pattern by, then family activity).

We marveled again, at the seals, sea lion (my favorite), giant fish, jellyfish, starfish and diving birds. Definately worth the 57 bucks. New stuffed animals at the gift shop topped off the visit and we decided to head home. Our 'fun' capacity and level of sleep deprivation by all had hit its max.

After eating their sandwiches on the road, the girls passed out and we drove till we pulled into our driveway...home sweet home.

Our trip fulfilled its purpose. Rest and being together as a family. No worrying about the to-do list. Though it was funny to see how easy it was to just lay Charlotte in her crib tonight and watch her curl up and fall asleep within seconds while we whipped up a salmon dinner in minutes...for free! These luxuries of home, that we don't appreciate until we don't have them, I suppose.

I can't wait until we get another opportunity to appreciate year! And for the record, we are still on vacation for another 3 days!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family Road Trip: Day 2

'I Really, Really Like Them'

The motorhome is silent. The fam is a bit spent from our chilly, blustery, fun-filled day!

This morning we woke up to a downpour. While that could be potentially disastrous vacation material, we didn't let the dampness dampen our spirits. Well, I guess little baby Charlotte wasn't so sure. Being at the must-get-down-and-crawl stage, she fell and banged her head several times trying to get around in the small space. Her favorite spot was underneath the dining room table. She sampled the dog food several times and took a bath in dog water. Poor Charlotte was a little antsy....

As were the girls....

Then, a bit later the rain cleared and left behind some clouds and blustery wind, but a non-wet sort. So we ventured out to find some cool sock monkey hats, that I think made all of our day... ice cream and chili fries were to be had, and we found some very tasty coffee that I hope we can have again tomorrow... Later we met up with some dear friends for a late Mexican feast.

But the beach, of course, has been the very best part. I think that the girls would live on it if they could. I have already lost count of how many times we have combed the beach since we got here yesterday... today, we enjoyed some wind surfers and Sophia facilitated a family rock house building competition. Charlotte chose the winner by crawling towards the house she liked best. I think I won since she crawled in my general direction.

I needed to be reminded of how much I just really, really like my family. I have the most amazing kids and super fantastic husband there ever was. I am amazed at God, in His goodness, who chose to bless me this much...

Tomorrow, a shower and on to the next destination...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Family Road Trip: Day 1

'The Makings of Our Recipe'

We’re on the road. Borrowed motorhome, 3 children, 1 pug, and all the contents of our home (except the sink) signals the beginning of a much needed and memorable trip! My emotions are a jumbled mix of remembering all my childhood road trips, contemplating the burdens of today and excitement for the hope that our family can escape into a mini-world of non-reality and non-commitment.

When I was a kid, we had a little tiny yellow pull-behind camper. It was painted to match our yellow, wood-paneled station wagon. Our ghetto paint-chipped canoe slapped on the roof of the car was like the cherry on top. Oh, those were the days! You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect memory recipe.

These memories I'm cherishing again as we ourselves are about to whip up our own little adventure concoction. I think that Homer will be our first stop. The inlet is crystal clear, the sky is beautiful blue, painted with billowy clouds. The sweet, piercing sounds of ‘Baliko’ are streaming through the speakers while we chew on our Costco pizza and sip on our Kaladi coffees. The baby is sleeping and the girls are pretending to nap in the bunk above our heads. I’m a bit surprised to find that I can type while we drive in this thing, and it doesn’t make me carsick.

Making our own recipes for memories, for

life really, that’s what this is about I think. And of course resting, and re-connecting as a family. I so desperately don't want to take the backseat in life. God forbid that I let life just happen to me, because I don’t have the energy or motivation to take the reins. Thankfully, God sends me wake-up calls now and then that send a chill down my spine. The thought of the days and weeks and years that could pass without intention or purpose, just living in that state, it’s frightening.

So, with the chills comes resolve. I will not allow life to just happen to me, to our children, without our active intent and involve-ment. I cannot be busy with my own good activities or ministries or passions, or even depression, and leave them to fend for themselves. If it takes getting down on the floor to play a game, going on a little girl date, cuddling when I don’t feel like it or...going on a road trip...

This will be good, regardless of what happens. It forces normal life to an abrupt halt so we can escape together on an adventure. I know that in our little adventure, our own recipes will evolve. Recipes for life.

And I forgot how beautiful Homer is!

My daughter Sophia, age 8, decided to write a little something too...Enjoy!

homer to seward

chapter 1 the ride.Let me tell you that was the most fun camping ride i ever had! First i got a cinnamon roll it was soooo good! Then we headed to homer. Then me and Ivy started to color then i asked my dad are we almost there? He said 1050 MILES!!!! I was exaggerating when i said 1050 it was actually 150. Then me and ivy played for a while. Then i took a nap. Then me and Ivy partyed on mom and dads bed. I frgot to tell you it was in an rv.

...Stay tuned for Day 2.