'I Really, Really Like Them'
This morning we woke up to a downpour. While that could be potentially disastrous vacation material, we didn't let the dampness dampen our spirits. Well, I guess little baby Charlotte wasn't so sure. Being at the must-get-down-and-crawl stage, she fell and banged her head several times trying to get around in the small space. Her favorite spot was underneath the dining room table. She sampled the dog food several times and took a bath in dog water. Poor Charlotte was a little antsy....

Then, a bit later the rain cleared and left behind some clouds and blustery wind, but a non-wet sort. So we ventured out to find some cool sock monkey hats, that I think made all of our day... ice cream and chili fries were to be had, and we found some very tasty coffee that I hope we can have again tomorrow... Later we met up with some dear friends for a late Mexican feast.

But the beach, of course, has been the very best part. I think that the girls would live on it if they could. I have already lost count of how many times we have combed the beach since we got here yesterday... today, we enjoyed some wind surfers and Sophia facilitated a family rock house building competition. Charlotte chose the winner by crawling towards the house she liked best. I think I won since she crawled in my general direction.

I needed to be reminded of how much I just really, really like my family. I have the most amazing kids and super fantastic husband there ever was. I am amazed at God, in His goodness, who chose to bless me this much...

Tomorrow, a shower and on to the next destination...

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